Want to be an A3 Performance Ambassador?

The A3 Ambassador community is made up of individuals who are passionate about swimming and A3’s mission to Lead, Innovate, and Inspire. Ambassadors share their experience and promote the benefits of training in, competing in, and working with A3 Performance. By sharing their passion for the sport and for A3 Performance, Ambassadors will earn discounts on A3 products with the chance to earn additional benefits.  


Here's the deal (Terms & Conditions):

  • 30% discount on all non-sale products.
  • Ambassadors will be notified to set up an online account to access their discount for personal purchases.  
  • Discount purchases are for personal use only. Misuse of ambassador discount may result in termination of benefits.
  • Ambassador Role will be renewed each year
  • Ambassadors are expected to post, review, and share about A3 Performance on their social media platforms including, but not limited to, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.
    • There is opportunity to receive additional benefits dependent on the Ambassador's involvement and activity. Additional benefits include greater discounts, early access to new product releases, earning opportunities, swag, and more.

To apply for a position as an A3 Ambassador, please complete the form below. If you have further questions please email info@a3performance.com